Surgery seems like such a distant memory. In the nine weeks since I had the proctosigmoidectomy having a colostomy bag has become a normal part of my life. Changing it is not an issue, having to clean up poop from around the stoma is not an issue and people seeing it is not an issue. One issue, however, is wind. The stoma is can be quite vocal!
Read moreEight Weeks With A Stoma

Two months have passed since surgery and I’m feeling great. Everything appears to be falling back into place and I am now returning to doing the things that I enjoyed doing prior to the flare up. And even better, I get to enjoy them without any of the side effects of Crohn’s.
The Ken Butt continues to be the main source of issues at the moment and even though it is very, very slowly healing I have had an infection that needed fixing.
Read moreSeven Weeks With A Stoma

Seven weeks after have my stoma and more and more I’m forgetting about it. Of course there are plenty of opportunities for it to remind me it’s there such as filling up with gas overnight or decided to let out wind during the quiet part of a film!
Read moreSix Weeks with a Stoma

It’s six weeks since surgery and my new bum is becoming less new and more normal – it’ll still be called My New Bum for some time though.
Read moreFive Weeks With A Stoma

It’s been five weeks since my new bum was installed and we’re still trying to get to know one another. We really need to get on the same hymn sheet when it comes to the best times to have a poop!
Read moreThird Visit to the Stoma Nurse

Today I had my third official visit to the stoma team and if all had gone well with the stoma, the plan was to set up me with a prescription and set me free!
Read moreThree Weeks with a Stoma

Three weeks have passed and they’ve been a long three weeks. I’m so used to being mobile so not being able to drive has been a bit of a hindrance. I’m still able to get out and about but still taking things easy.
Read moreFollow Up Visit With Stoma Nurse

Today was the first follow-up visit to the stoma team. The aim of the visit is to check everything is healing correctly, to check the size of the stoma, provide new supplies and it’s an opportunity to ask any questions.
Read moreTwo Weeks With a Stoma

I’ve been home from hospital for three days and recovering is hard work, both physically and mentally. Like most people I’m so used to being active and mobile so curbing what I do is hard and at times I have to remind myself to slow down.
Read moreA Week With A Stoma

I’ve now had the colostomy bag for over a week and I feel like we’re just getting acquainted with the new sensations, the new smells and the challenges it’s going to bring. Here’s what I’ve learned so far.
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